Couples therapy

Couples therapy is a process of developing relational intimacy, creating trust, building connection, and enjoying the happiness a healthy relationship with a primary significant offer can provide. The formation and maintenance of a healthy relationship with an intimate partner can seem a daunting challenge. However, study after study demonstrates that a healthy relationship can provide numerous physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health benefits. Couples counseling may include:

  • The development of an emotionally secure, interdependent attachment.
  • Identification of dysfunctional patterns of communication, often with an exploration of how such patterns developed.
  • Learning to consciously communicate from a mature, adult stance.
  • Learning empathic listening and building relational strategies.
  • Reducing defensiveness, stonewalling, withdrawal, and retaliation.
  • Exploring families of origin to clear up attachment issues.
  • Learning how to exist in a relationship as a mature, mindful, present partner and how to encourage your partner to do the same.
  • Problem-solving, resource development, the resolution of differences, and the creation of emotional empathy.
  • Learning to skillfully love another with genuine intimacy.
  • Developing and expressing your own healthy limits and boundaries, while respecting your partners.
  • Learning how to ask for wants and needs with clarity, and how to help your partner provide them while understanding it is not their job to “fix” you.

If you and your partner would like to enter couples therapy, please contact me to set up an appointment.

Individual Therapy

Individualized therapy is an inner journey of self-exploration, self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-expression. As a warm, kind, interactive therapist, I will work with you to reach your specific goals for yourself. These may include:

  • A journey of self-discovery, to gain awareness of and work towards change of dysfunctional patterns.
  • The creation of new tools or resources: inner resilience. relational support, and more functional coping skills.
  • Management of stress. anxiety, depression, and other overwhelming emotions.
  • Full realization of your inherent potential.
  • The creation and acceptance of an authentic sense of self.
  • Skill development to relate to others, gaining a deeper understanding of the self and others.
  • To acknowledge and eventually confront deep pain and suffering, then work to find specific paths toward resolution.
  • The resolution of trauma is to rebuild a sense of trust in the self and the world.
  • To uncover, develop, and integrate inner resources capabilities and processes to allow for the emergence of a truly balanced self.

If you would like to explore any of these areas or if you have other concerns, blocks, or issues, please contact me to make an appointment.


I (Karen) am licensed through the State of Alaska to provide supervision to Marriage and Family Therapy Associates. I have also worked with several graduate schools to supervise internships. In supervision, I provide guidance, support, and oversight to ensure the professional development and well-being of these therapists. It typically includes regular weekly meetings, case discussions, and ongoing feedback to help them improve their clinical skills and enhance their therapeutic effectiveness.

Supervision also involves discussing ethical considerations, professional boundaries, and legal requirements to ensure that the associate therapists adhere to the highest standards of practice. When ethical dilemmas arise I provide guidance on how to handle challenging situations.

Self care is a priority for the associate and beginning therapists I work with. Therapy involves “Emotional Labor” and it can be a steep learning curve as therapists managing the emotional demands of the therapeutic work. I encourage associates to reflect on their own emotional well-being, stress management techniques, and strategies for maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Overall, the supervision of associate therapists aims to foster their professional growth, enhance their clinical skills, and ensure the provision of high-quality care to clients. It is a collaborative and dynamic process that promotes continuous learning, self-reflection, and the development of a strong therapeutic identity.

So for the About Us page, I would just like a bio of me, then Jonathan, then Keith, then my dog because he’s wonderful and I think it’ll be cute!

Are You Listening

“Couples often initiate therapy when they note a lack of connection with one another. Often the day to day business of life gets in the way, and spending time together gradually becomes less of a priority. If you find yourself looking at your partner and feeling you don’t really recognize them, or if you find yourself lonely and missing the intimate connection you used to have, couples therapy can help. We recognize that human connection is vital for our emotional well-being and overall satisfaction in life. People with satisfying intimate relationships live longer, are healthier, and have a greater quality of .life than those who don’t. In therapy, we help individuals develop the skills and awareness needed to cultivate and nurture meaningful connections with others.

We recognize that building connection requires a deep understanding of oneself. Some people show up for therapy unfamiliar with their feelings, and the first order of business is to teach people to identify feelings, within their awareness and within their bodies. We provide a safe and non-judgmental space for individuals to explore their own emotions, beliefs, and past experiences, as these can greatly impact their ability to connect with others. By gaining insight into their own patterns and triggers, individuals can better navigate their relationships and form healthier connections.

Often, there are underlying issues that hinder connection, such as trust issues, attachment styles, or unresolved conflicts. By working through these challenges, individuals can overcome barriers and create a more secure and fulfilling connection with their loved ones.

Ultimately, the goal of working on connection in relationships is to create a safe and supportive environment where individuals can express themselves, be heard, and feel understood. Through therapy, individuals can develop the skills and insights necessary to build and maintain strong, meaningful connections that enrich their lives.”